This is a panel I was on at Worldcon 2011 in Reno, about innovative ways teachers at all levels can integrate science fiction into their courses. This was part of the AboutSF program, which is a great outreach program out of the University of Kansas and a joint project of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America and the Science Fiction Research Association. I had been asked to participate in the program a couple of years ago, but schedules didn’t match up until this Worldcon; I was pleased to be able to do it this year with people like Maurine Starkey, Margaret McGaffey Fisk, Stephen Potts and Gary Wolfe. We talked about a number of things related to the teaching of science fiction and fantasy, and I got a few ideas myself from some of the panelists’ suggestions here.

Dr. Gregory A. Wilson is Professor of English at St. John's University in New York City.