More Updates!

I’ve just updated my C.V., which was well out of date, and promise to keep it updated on a yearly basis going forward…and, as I can, my website in general. You can also find me on Twitch, Bluesky, and Twitter, though I expect to be moving away from Twitter over the course of 2025. Thanks […]

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Website Updates

Hi all, I’m currently in the process of updating my websites and my online presence in general, including, of course, working through an update on the site here. I haven’t been able to update this site nearly as much as I would like, both because life and work have interfered and because I’ve often been […]

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A Letter To My Past Self

(This following post originally appeared on Ragnarok Publications’ website, and it occurred to me that it was perfect for the #HoldOnToTheLight campaign; with Ragnarok’s permission, I have crossposted it here. For more details about this campaign, please see the information below the post–and thanks!) Dear Greg (in 1986), So you’ve just turned fourteen, and you’ve […]

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Grayshade emerges from the mists!

Hi all, I’m very pleased to announce that my novel Grayshade, the first in The Gray Assassin Trilogy in The Ed Greenwood Group‘s Stormtalons line, is now available for preorder in gorgeous, collector’s edition hardcover!  The first 250 preorders will get entered in drawings and generally be pretty awesome people 🙂 , so please consider […]

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Dragoncon, September 6, 2015–Star Wars vs. Middle-earth

This was a panel from my first go-round at Dragoncon, and it was a really fun one–both because the Tolkien track at Dragoncon really sets things up well, and because the turnout at these things is insanely crazy.  I got the chance to focus on redemption in LOTR and Star Wars, and it was a fascinating experience to delve into the aspects of work which (though I love Star Wars) I hadn’t analyzed in detail before. In the end, Tolkien and Lucas were much more similar in various aspects of their stories than I had expected them to be.

Philadelphia Comic Con, May 5, 2015–Networking and Promotion for Creatives in the Online Age

I’ve done a few of these sorts of talks over the last couple of years, corresponding to my own (I hope) increasing presence in the genre and my branching out into other fields of endeavor (such as streaming on TwitchTV.  Here Kris Siuda (lead developer for the Icarus video game) and I talk about combining fan bases and building an online presence, and using your specific promotional strengths (short version: not just Facebook posts) to improve your work’s visibility.  We had a great turnout for this talk, and I really enjoyed the response we got (and Wizard World runs a tight ship, too).

Ad Astra, April 11, 2015–Lifting the Veil Between Here and There

This panel was a bit of a surprise for me, as Cathy Hird, Gail Martin, Peter Prellwitz, and I looked at portals, doors, links between worlds, and spaces–which meant I got to talk a lot about liminal space, a topic near and dear to the academic part of my heart, something I hadn’t expected to be able to do.  In general this was a really thought-provoking panel, the sort of conversation I love to be a part of at conventions like this.