This was my first interview with Dr. Howard Margolin at WUSB, who has been running Destinies, the science fiction and fantasy show,for over twenty-five years–and though he may not have Jim Freund’s author list, he makes up for it with an incredible group of luminaries from all portions of the fantasy and science fiction spectrum (artists, actors, directors, musicians, authors and others). He’s also exceedingly well prepared, and asked a series of thoughtful and unusual questions I hadn’t fielded before. And since the DJ after him never showed up for his show, we ended up turning a planned half hour interview into a ninety minute long epic, which means I was able to talk about/promote just about every aspect of my professional life–an unexpected and very cool thing. (Plus he did it with the soundtrack of LADYHAWKE in the background–how cool is that?)

Greg is a professor, author and musician in New York City. Author of The Third Sign, Icarus, and various short stories.