
Welcome to the author side of my brand spanking new website! This part of the site will be dedicated to anything and everything related to my writing career, from books to readings to signings and everything in between. I plan to write here regularly on a whole variety of issues related to being an author; since I’m in the process of finalizing the manuscript of The Third Sign for publication with the help of my able editors at Five Star, submitting the manuscript of Icarus to agents and publishers, and getting ready to start work in earnest on my third as yet untitled novel, I’ve got irons in a number of fires, and I hope readers and fellow authors will find something relevant to them in these pages. This is also intended to be an interactive blog–I want to encourage active discussion, so please leave a comment or drop me a line to get involved in the conversation. If you’re more interested in the academic side, you can head over to my Academic page, where I’ve got all the “scholarly stuff” you could want.

I mentioned this on the Academic page, but it bears repeating here: credit for all of this goes to Kevin Grinberg, who designed this site; he has done an incredible job, and even though I can’t possibly express how grateful I am for all his hard work I’m trying here (again) anyway.

Thanks for stopping by, and please come back soon!

Greg Wilson