Ad Astra 2013

I’m back for the fifth time (hard to believe that, by the way) at Ad Astra, one of my favorite conventions.  Stop by and say hello if you’re in the Toronto area!  My schedule is as follows:

Friday, April 5th:

9-10 p.m.:  Panel–HOOK: Reeling in Your Reader with Robert Boyczuk, Suzanne Church, Max Turner, Michael Matheson

10-11 p.m.:  Panel–I Love to Hate You with Ed Greenwood, Jim Butcher, Fiona Patton, Catherine Fitzsimmons

Saturday, April 6th:

12-1 p.m.: Panel–The Book Is Only the Beginning with Brett Alexander Savory, Marie Bilodeau, Samantha Beiko, Linda Poitevin

7-7:30 p.m.:  Reading

Sunday, April 7th:

10-11 a.m.: Panel–Writing High Fantasy with Marie Bilodeau, Catherine Fitzsimmons, K.W. Ramsey

1-2 p.m.: Panel–Speculative Fiction Q&A with Peter Halasz