Icarus: The Graphic Novel has launched!

Hi all,

Well, it’s official: Icarus: The Graphic Novel has launched on Kickstarter, and I’m about as excited and nervous as I’ve ever been about anything.



When you have the chance to look at some of the art Matt has already done, I think you’ll agree that his work is really astonishing.  I couldn’t imagine a better person to bring my world to visual life, and I couldn’t imagine a better group to make it happen than Silence in the Library Publishing, the talented people behind four exceptionally successful books so far–including the Time Traveled Tales anthology in which I had a story and through which I met Matt.  As you can see, the Kickstarter has already done extremely well–over $5,000 as I write this, not even 72 hours into the launch of the Kickstarter–so we’re well on our way.  But it’s only a start, and unless we reach $8,000, the project won’t happen.  We also have a lot of great stretch goals past $8,000, with short stories from best selling authors like Mike Stackpole and Ed Greenwood and even a 3D RPG based on the Icarus universe.           

So I’m asking for you to get involved with making this a success in one, a few or all of four easy ways:

1.  Back the project on Kickstarter!  This is, of course, the key thing, and we have a lot of different pledge levels set up; as little as $5 will get you a copy of the ebook version, but there are many more things available farther down the list–please take a look and decide what works best for you.  Again, the link is: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/103879051/icarus-a-graphic-novel.  (The TinyURL for that page, in case you’d prefer a more concise link, is http://tinyurl.com/IcarusComic.)

2.  Follow the project on Twitter at https://twitter.com/IcarusComic. If you are kind enough to tweet about the project, using the hashtag #IcarusKickstarter would also help build interest.

3.  Like the project on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Icarus-The-Graphic-Novel/195303457332691.  Sharing that page on your own Facebook page would also be most welcome. 

4.  Finally, if you ever visit Reddit, upvoting (and leaving a question on) this thread would be helpful: 


I’m blown away by the response we’ve had so far, and I’m hoping we can keep the momentum going over the next few weeks.  Thanks as always for your support and interest–and stay tuned for what’s going to happen next!
